Opus, Circa Featuring Quatuor Debussy, Touring US

“Opus is cut-glass, caviar circus. It’s black tie and ballgown circus. And it’s an astonishing thing to watch: graceful, bombastic. Profound.”
—The Telegraph (UK)

Fourteen acrobats from the dazzling Australian troupe Circa (under Artistic Director Yaron Lifschitz) tumble and trustfall to the frenetic sounds of Shostakovich in this fusion of jaw-dropping physical feats and music. Against a rapidly shifting mise-en-scène, the acrobats manipulate and occasionally blindfold the members of France’s renowned Debussy String Quartet, as they perform three of the Russian composer’s quartets live on stage. Over the course of this delicate and savage thriller, Circa’s band of extreme acrobats and artists risk all in a devilish deal with anti-gravity, embodying the music’s tormented romanticism with precise abandon.

Directed by Yaron Lifschitz

A Nuits de Fourvière production/ Département du Rhône, coproduced with Les Théâtres de la ville de Luxembourg, GREC Festival of Barcelona, Le Cirque-Théâtre d’Elbeuf, Dusseldorf Festival, Barbican Theatre, CACCV Espace Jean Legendre-Compiegne. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government’s Major Festivals Initiative, managed by the Australia Council its arts funding and advisory body, in association with the Confederation of Australian International Arts Festivals, Brisbane Festival, Perth International Arts Festival and Melbourne Festival.

Circa acknowledges the assistance of the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding body and the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.

The Debussy Quartet acknowledge the support of the French Ministry of Arts, Région Rhône-Alpes, City of Lyon and SPEDIDAM

The quartet performs in New York, California, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts this fall. Full dates on their France Rocks artist page here