France Rocks Austin: Interview with The Two

The Two

With SXSW 2012 still fresh in the minds, today brings the first of several interviews of French artists and their impressions of the huge annual festival in addition to America. The Two were interviewed during the Bureau Export & The Agency Group Party on Wednesday, March 14th at Mohawk, the second of two France Rocks Austin parties. After reading the interview, be sure to check out their song “Everyday” featured on the France Rocks Austin 2012 sampler as well as photos from this year’s successful event!

Is this The Two’s first time at SXSW? How would you describe SXSW so far?

Ara Starck: It’s our first time. SXSW is like a movie. It’s like the bar of Star Wars but for a week, all day with incredible people on the street and an amazing vibe. A big discovery for us.

David Jarre: A mishmash of influences and different bands and people. It’s very laid-back. I thought it was going to be much more hectic and aggressive. It’s very, very cool even though there are a lot of people everywhere.

What did you know about South by Southwest before arriving?

Ara: We knew we wanted to come, that’s for sure!

David: Yeah, that’s the thing. We knew there was this amazing festival down in Texas. But I didn’t think it would be that cool. It is very professional, but it feels very simple and open. That’s the best thing for us.

Ara: I’ve got a personal reason for wanting to come here as well. I was brought up in Dallas. I did all my kindergarten in Dallas, so I wanted to come back to Texas. If I could come back by playing our music, that would be a real gift.

Read the rest of the interview on the artist page for The Two