Inna De Yard – A brand new album and a movie

Inna De Yard is a musical project gathering the finest Jamaican reggae artists. The eponymous album Inna de Yard will be released on April, 12th ! Pre-order here

In addition, the documentary Inna de Yard directed by Peter Webber will premiere at the MIDEM on June, recounting the adventures of the reggae men.

As UNESCO has added Jamaican reggae to Global Heritage List, the work of the music collectif Inna de Yard seems all more important: it goes beyond the (re)discovery of classics through original reinterpretation. After all, who else could embody the Jamaican authenticity and culture than this band of forgotten legends, who performed reggae, ska & rocksteady in the 60s and 70s. Well, they keep on doing it today, but together, with Inna de Yard.

“Inna de Yard on their way to Hollywood!” The phrase, uttered by singer Cedric Myton on the shooting of Peter Webber’s documentary, was supposed to be a joke. It all started with Petter Webber – 3 Oscar-nominations for The Girl with the Pearl  Earring – deciding to document the recording of the band’s album because he was fascinated by the subject. It tells the making of this brand new album, which is a compilation of Inna de Yard’s most famous tracks. This sophore album is the result of an unexpected success for the band’s debut album, The Sould of Jamaica published in 2017 and a sold-out tour – including gigs that became mythical, such as the show at Philharmonie de Paris and Le Trianon.

Watch their new video !