WHY MUD: Watch the interactive music video ‘Basilic’

To give only one answer to the question “Which woman are you” is impossible.

Each one carry in herself a part of seduction, candor or darkness. Every decision can take you to a storyline, or the other.

Through their last interactive music video, WHY MUD are taking you on a trip to discover those multiple sides, feel free to navigate between the stories where personalities are pushed to the extreme. Explore the decors and colors of those five fates, not so far apart.

Taken by their “Basilic”track’s energy which tells the story of a complicated love, the featured couples echo with the uncertainty inherent to human relationships. Firmly pop but still psychedelic, WHY MUD ask the question – in French- of the difficult decision to make when you have “a chance to get away”

You are standing in front of a choice, but if you won’t chose, everything is possible still all you have to do now is to decide on you own story.