
Lena Deluxe could have been raised next to the Mexican-American border, first heard alongside the Rio Grande, or plugged in her first guitar down under the Brooklyn Bridge.

However, Lena Deluxe comes from Northern France and her universe, unlike the red bricks of her Lille Metropole, is inhabited by the same solitude as the pioneers of american rock, composers cursed with a fire in the belly.

It is this passion coupled with magical meetings that led her to record her debut album in New York, under the direction of Henry Hirsch (Lenny Kravitz, Mick Jagger …).

Lena Deluxe - Mirror for heroes

To be released in May 18 (2015), “Mirror for Heroes” has a sixties’ sound, light psychedelia over pure and ethereal vocals, haunted by ghosts of Jefferson Airplane, Love and other vibrations from the New World. It was recorded in a NYC church transformed into an analog studio.  

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